to the hottub :-) Come into my home! The new Fish Pond Birds and Flowers

My Home :-)

Thanks for Visiting!!

My Home Line

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My Home Line

Welcome to my Home!

This is a picture of my home taken in May of this year (2004). As you can see, there is more than these lessons "Under Construction" :-)

At this time, I was finishing the Budding Guru's lessons, and my Sweetie was working on the new goldfish pond in front of the house.

The pond was part of my Christmas present from last year, and I waited on pins and needles for Spring and the pond to take shape :-)

More on that on another page!! LOL

The picture above is also an Image Map that will give you a better idea of Where things are :-)

My Home Line

I'm in a small town above Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and the property backs up to a large recreational lake, woods all around. A state park is just on the other side of the lake, so we are surrounded in nature :-)

It is pretty peaceful here, and the sounds of the woods are all around. Fishing and swimming are just a short walk through the woods.

Is it any wonder this is my Favorite place to be??

My Home Line

The font I am using is BlackChancery, my favorite font. You can download it Here

My Home Line

Daffodils are my Favorite flowers :-)
Back To the Hottub!
Come In!The Goldfish Pond
Birds and FlowersMy Final Words

I am one of Mystic's Pixies

I am one of Trinity's Fairies

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